The International Association of Contra Callers, Inc.
New Page July 26, 2011
Contra Moves & Timing
Allemande - 8 beats
Balance - 4 beats
Balance & Swing from 4 to 12 beats; Use a tune with accents (or chords) at the point where a balance occurs, it's nice to have a quarter note figure in a jig or a heavy accent in a reel.
Circle right or left - 8 beats
Courtesy turn - 4 beats
Do-sa-do - 8 beats
Down the center - 16 beats to walk down, turn around, and come back up; use smooth music or march-type music
Forward and back - 8 beats
Full hey - 16 beats; use smooth music
Gypsy - smooth music; a minor key works well
Ladies chain across the set - 8 beats
Across and back - 16 beats
Pass through - 4 beats
Petronella turn - 4 beats; with a clap-clap on beats 3.5 - 4
Promenade - usually 16 beats (half - 8 beats)
Right and left through - 16 beats (half - 8 beats)
Roll away with a half sashay - 4 beats
Star right or left - 8 beats to go around once
Swing - 4 to 8 beats (or longer)
Wavy line balance - 4 beats; jigs work well