International Association of Contra Callers, Inc.
New Page April 2, 2009
Some Assorted Definitions
SET: The overall arrangement of couples for a given
dance, such as a big circle, square formation, longways,
LONGWAYS SET: Two lines,
usually made up of partners facing each other in the opposite line. Used for
contras and reels.
BIG CIRCLE: One large circle made up of couples facing
the middle.
SICILLIAN CIRCLE (1): A formation consisting of one
large circle made up of couples alternately facing clockwise and
counter-clockwise around the circle to form pairs of couples. (2): A dance done
in this formation.
UP: In a longways set, toward
the music.
DOWN: In a longways set, away
from the music.
TOP: End of a longways set
closest to the music.
BOTTOM: End of a longways set
farthest from the music.
MINOR SETS: Within the set, the groups of two or three
couples that do all the figures of a dance together before separating in
opposite directions to join new groups.
PARTNER: The person who agrees to be your prime
collaborator through a given dance.
next to you or across from you in the minor set who is not your partner.
TAKING HANDS FOUR: After lining up to form a set,
joining hands in circles of four (two couples) to see which couples will be
progressing away from the music (referred to as the #1 couples or the
"active" couples) and which couples will be progressing toward the
music (#2 or "inactive" couples).
PROPER: In sets with mostly mixed-gender couples, lining
up before a contra dance so all the men are in the left-hand line and all the
women are in the right-hand line from the dancer's point of view looking toward
the top of the set. This is the way that experienced dancers
first line up when they join a set.
IMPROPER: In sets with mostly mixed-gender couples,
lining up for a contra dance so that in each couple the men are on the left and
the women are on the right as they face the other couple. Since the #1 couples are looking toward the bottom of the set, the
partners in those couples have to swap places after lining up in a proper
formation (see above). Whenever a couple reaches the end, the partners must
remember to swap places.
BECKET FORMATION: A variation of the basic contra
formation. After forming an improper set, the groups of four rotate one place
to the left (clockwise) so that the starting positions for the figures is
partners side-by-side in the same line instead of across from each other in the
opposite line. After doing the figures, each couple progresses sideways up or
down their own line.
FORWARD & BACK: Two dancers or lines of dancers
move toward each other, then away, using 8 beats of the music.
(RIGHT): Two dancers make a strong connection with left (right)
hands (usually at shoulder height) and rotate counterclockwise around each
other, using 8 beats of the music for a complete rotation.
TWO HANDS AROUND: two dancers join both hands with each
other, either right-to-right and left-to-left or
straight across. Rotate clockwise, using 8 beats of the music for a complete
DOSIDO: Passing right shoulders to start, two dancers
or couples follow a clockwise path around each other without contact.
Individual dancers may spin their bodies counterclockwise as they travel around
each other, in any case using 8 beats of the music for a complete rotation.
SEE-SAW: Same as Dosido but
passing left shoulders to start and going counterclockwise.
GYPSY: Same as Dosido but
maintaining strong, usually flirtatious, eye contact.
RIGHT-HAND (Left-hand) STAR: 3 to 6 or more dancers
walk clockwise (counterclockwise) around their joined or touching right (left)
RIGHT (Left) HANDS ACROSS: Similar to right-hand
(left-hand) star except that the dancers take the hand of the person directly
across from them in a handshake grip.
BALANCE: A dancer takes one more or less forceful step
forward or to the side, putting weight on it; lets the other foot swing through
or across without shifting weight off the first foot (though the second foot
may touch); swinging or stepping the second foot back to place, shifting the
weight decisively onto it; and bringing the first foot back to place. Takes
only 4 beats and often leads into a swing. A New England favorite, especially
if you want to show off.
SWING: Two dancers hold each other in any of a great
variety of positions and spin clockwise as rapidly and smoothly as they please.
The classic footwork is the buzz step: take a low, gliding step just past your
partner's right heel with your right foot, pivoting on it at the same time,
then bring your left foot up toward your right heel as you continue to pivot.
Keep your left heel raised. Usually 8 to 16 beats of
RIGHT AND LEFT (over or back): A pair of dancers
standing side-by-side exchange places with a pair facing them like this: Each
dancer passes the opposite person by the right shoulder. Then both members of
the pair, facing the same direction, turn counter-clockwise as a unit to face
back across. One way to turn is for members of the pair to put their near arms
around each other's back. As they wheel around, the dancer on the left backs up
and the dancer on the right steps forward, both giving
weight as in the swing. Also popular is for the person on the left to give the
person on the right a modified courtesy turn. If this figure is done only once,
it's sometimes called "half right and left". Takes
8 beats.
HALF PROMENADE: A dance action in which the designated
dancers cross the set in promenade position, each couple passing to the right
of the other (men passing left shoulders). After crossing, each couple wheels
as a couple to face across the set again.
SLOW SQUARE THRU: A dance action
in which the designated dancers give a right hand to the person they're facing
and pull by, turning to face the next in their group with a left hand pull by,
turning again with a right hand, and again with a left hand - each time turning
1/4 except after the last (left) hand. This takes 4 beats of music per hand;
and is also known as "jigtime" square thru.
CAST OFF: From the center of the set, each active
dancer dances forward 3/4 of a turn to a position one notch down the set. The
active dancer usually attaches appropriately to the inactive dancer and they
rotate as a pair, but in some contexts the inactive dancer must instead play
follow the leader, or conceivably even reaming stationary.
HEY: A recently revived weaving figure for 3 or 4
people. Pass alternate shoulders until you run out of people. Loop in the
direction of the last shoulder you passed and reenter passing that same
shoulder with a new person. Make loops wide and distinct.
FIGURE EIGHT: The designated couple or person will
dance a figure eight pattern around a dancer or dancers specified by the
TURN CONTRA CORNERS: A dance action in which the active
dancers touch right hands with partner in passing each other to turn their
right opposite by the left hand, and again touch right hands with partners in
passing each other to turn their left opposite by the left hand. Then returning to starting places directly without touching hands
again. It takes sixteen beats of music.
(Note: These definitions were gathered from various sources.)