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(revised from An After Lunch Swing by Art Harvey)
Author: Pat Kelm – 2006; Alternate Duple - Double Progression
Music: Blue Spanish Eyes

A1  (8) Gypsy your Neighbor/Corner
       (8) Ooze into a Swing (put her on your right)
A2  (8) Star Left with couple across (go to new corner)

       (8) Turn half by the Right, Men turn half by the Left

B1  (8) Gypsy your Partner    (8) Ooze into a Swing

B2  (8) Right and Left Thru

       (8) Circle Left 3/4, and Pass Thru 


Author: Pat Kelm – 2010; Proper Triplet
Music: Des Oignons/ Reel des Jeunes Maries/ Reel de Montreal - track 12 on Faster than a Walk

A1  (8) Lines Forward and Back
       (8) Cpl #1 Cross Over, Down around behind #2 & into middle
A2  (8) Cpl #1 and #2 make a Right Hand Star
       (8) Cpl #1 and #3 make a Left Hand Star
B1  (8) #1 Lady "flirt" with partner, continue on out  & loop around to foot while her partner follows her
        (8) Same Couple Swing at the Foot
B2  (16) All join hands, Circle Left full around
(The idea for this came from observing gents in square dancing sometimes turning to follow his partner during weave the ring and then surprising her from behind at the end for a swing.)


Author: Pat Kelm, February 2014

Formation: Alternate Duple
Music:  Old Joe Clark, Blue Star 1994-B

(Facing corner/nabor)

- - - -; With your corner Balance;

Star Thru - -; Pass Thru, California Twirl;

- - - -; Lines go Forward and Back;

- - - -; Pass Thru, California Twirl;

- - - -; With those across Circle Left;

- - - -; - - Circle Right;

- - - -; - Slow Square Thru;

- - - -; - - - -;

- - - -; - with new corner Balance



Author: Pat Kelm

Formation: Alternate Duple

Music: CD-Contra Music, the Sound of New England. Track #9 O'Donal Abhu/Rocks of Brae/Meeting of the Waters from New England Chestnuts Vol. 2 - Rodney Miller, Randy Miller & Friends.  Or New Waterloo Reel.

Starting with a wave of 4 (women with left hands joined)

A1  Balance R & L, Slide R nose to nose

      Balance L & R, Slide L nose to nose

A2 Turn half by R, Men turn half by L (Swing Thru)

      Swing Partner

B1  R & L Thru across

       Circle L 3/4

B2  Face Nabor & Dosado

       Pass Thru & step to wave



Author: Pat Kelm - 2011
Formation: Improper Duple
Music: Up Jumped the Devil on LS 200
A1    With the couple below Circle Left;

        Balance Neighbor & Star Thru
A2    Circle Left 3/4; Swing Partner

B1    Long lines go Forward & Back; Ladies Chain across
B2    Flutterwheel & Sweep 1/4*; Pass Thru, Balance the Ring
*Note - Flutterwheel should be done with the girls using forearms, not handholds, to get a tighter turning circle.


Author: Pat Kelm – 2002

Formation: Improper Duple
Music: Three Little Fishes, Chicago Country 55B
A1    Face your corner Dosado;  Same one Swing
A2    Ladies Chain; 
        Send her back Dixie Style, make your wave & Balance
B1    & March (4 rows - boys on inside, girls outside lines);  
        Turn around, go back
B2    Swing Thru Double; 
        Boys Run, Bend Line, Star Thru, Pass Thru
(Everyone's Active - only have to worry about doing an automatic crossover at the head and foot as needed.  It's a quick mover and should be used with the above music.)


Author: Pat Kelm
Formation: Alternate Duple
Music: Any well-phrased contra music

A1     Dosado the one below
         Circle left ¾ and face across

A2     Right & Left Thru

          Ladies Chain across

B1     Left hand Star

          Right hand Star

B2     Slow Square Thru


Author: Pat Kelm – Feb. 2012    Duple Proper
Music: Mrs. Hayes Delight on LS E30
A1: Lines go Forward and Back
       All Dosado Partner
A2: 1's Circle Left with the 2's
       Circle Right
B1: 1's Swing in middle
       1's go down the center (as a couple with girl on the right)
B2: Wheel Around, Come Back
       Cast around one (lady around lady, gent around gent)


Author: Pat Kelm – Oct. 2012   Alternate Duple - long lines or sicillian circle
Music: C'est L'Amour - Track 17 on The Complete Caledonian
A1     Circle Left
          Circle Right
A2     Star Right
          Star Left
B1     Ladies Dosado
          Gents Dosado
B2     Forward & Clap, Back & Stamp
          2's Arch & the 1's Dive
Note: Originally written with an additional dive with the 1's making an arch so that there would be a double progression, but noted that inexperienced contra dancers got confused and sometimes only dived once so there were sometimes an odd couple left alone in the middle of the line.


Farewell Waltz Contra
Author: Pat Kelm - 2012
Formation: Duple Improper
Music: My Own House Waltz
A1    With Nabors Balance the Ring, Petronella Turn
         Balance the Ring, Petronella Turn
A2    Balance the Ring, Petronella Turn
         Balance the Ring, Petronella Turn
B1    Two-hand Turn Nabor
          Ladies pass L shoulders to Left hand turn Partner
B2    Ladies Chain
         Left hand Star around to meet new Nabor


Sherbrooke Hey

Author:        Pat Kelm - 1999

Formation:  Improper Duple

Music:        "Sherbrooke" on LS 302

A1  Swing the one below

       Lines go Forward and Back

A2   Across Right and Left Thru

       Pass Thru and Partner Trade (or Promenade 1/2)

B1   Ladies lead right shoulder Hey for 4

B2   Ladies begin Flutterwheel and Sweep 1/4 more, Pass Thru   

       and Balance