Dances to Use
Dumbarton Drums Author: Traditional Formation: Mescolanza – Lines of 4 facing lines of 4, in columns,
with the line nearest the caller (head of hall) having their backs to the
caller. Music: Lloyd Shaw 172 or any
nicely phrased 64 count music. Could use music suitable for the event or
season. A1 With the music Forward and Back; Right couple in front Sashay over; (Right hand couple in each
line steps forward & sashays [side-steps] to the left while the left hand
couple sashays to the right.) A2 With the music Forward and Back; Right couple in front Sashay back; B1 With the opposites Right hand Star; Same four a Left hand Star; B2 Back to lines then Forward and Back; Arch to the Head, Dive to the Foot; (Those facing up make an arch
with their joined hands, moving over those facing down who Dive under those
arches to face a new line of four.) Note: This is a good dance
to use with first-timers. |
Reel - Traditional (one of several versions) |
Virginia No Reel |